
Mongo Queries on the Student / Courses database

Queries to answer the questions in the project relating to the non-relational students / courses MongoDb database.

Average Age of Students

Give the MongoDB command to find the average age of students.

This is the answer that is expected:

{ "Average" : 33 }

My answer uses the following:

Using $project to get rid of the id

db.docs.aggregate([{$group:{_id:null,"Average":{$avg:"$details.age"}}},{ $project: {"_id":0} }])
{ "Average" : 33 }

Alternatively using $unset

db.docs.aggregate([{$group:{_id:null,"Average":{$avg:"$details.age"}}},{ $unset: ["_id"] }])
{ "Average" : 33 }

Honours Level

Give the MongoDB command to show the name of each course and Honours which has the value true if the course level is 8 or higher, otherwise false. The output should be sorted by name.

{ "name" : "B.A.", "Honours" : true }
{ "name" : "B.Eng.", "Honours" : false }
{ "name" : "H. Dip. in Data Analytics", "Honours" : true }
{ "name" : "H. Dip. in SW Devel", "Honours" : true }

My answer:

db.docs.aggregate([{$match: {level:{$exists:true}}}, {$project:{_id:0, name:1, "Honours":{ $eq:["$level", 8]}}},{$sort:{name:1}}])
{ "name" : "B.A.", "Honours" : true }
{ "name" : "B.Eng.", "Honours" : false }
{ "name" : "H. Dip. in Data Analytics", "Honours" : true }
{ "name" : "H. Dip. in SW Devel", "Honours" : true }

Qualified Students

Give the MongoDB command to show the number of Qualified Students i.e. those documents with a qualifications field.

{ "Qualified Students" : 6 }

my answer:

 db.docs.aggregate( [ {$match: {qualifications:{$exists:true}}},  
 { $group: { _id: null, "Qualified Students": {$sum: 1} } }, {$project: {_id:0}}  ])
{ "Qualified Students" : 6 }

{$count: "Qualified Students"} is equivalent way to using { $group: { _id: null, "Qualified Students": {$sum: 1} } }, {$project: {_id:0}}

db.docs.aggregate([{$match: { qualifications: {$exists: true}}}, 
{$count: "Qualified Students"}] )
{ "Qualified Students" : 6 }

Students and their Qualifications

Give the MongoDB command to show the name of each Student and his/her qualifications. The output should be in alphabetical name order.
If the student has no qualifications the word “None” should appear:

{ "details" : { "name" : "Alan Higgins" }, "qualifications" : [ "ENG, SW" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Bernie Lynch" }, "qualifications" : [ "ARTS" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Brian Collins" }, "qualifications" : [ "ENG", "SW" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "John Smith" }, "qualifications" : [ "ARTS", "DATA" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Mary Murphy" }, "qualifications" : [ "ARTS" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Mick O'Hara" }, "qualifications" : [ "ENG", "DATA", "SW" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Tom Kenna" }, "qualifications" : "None" }

My answer:

 db.docs.aggregate([{$match: {details:{$exists:true}}},
 {$project:{"details.name":1,_id:0,qualifications:{ $ifNull:["$qualifications","None"]}}},
 s{$sort:{"details.name": 1}}])

{ "details" : { "name" : "Alan Higgins" }, "qualifications" : [ "ENG, SW" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Bernie Lynch" }, "qualifications" : [ "ARTS" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Brian Collins" }, "qualifications" : [ "ENG", "SW" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "John Smith" }, "qualifications" : [ "ARTS", "DATA" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Mary Murphy" }, "qualifications" : [ "ARTS" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Mick O'Hara" }, "qualifications" : [ "ENG", "DATA", "SW" ] }
{ "details" : { "name" : "Tom Kenna" }, "qualifications" : "None" }
Mongo Queries Summary screenshot

Tech used:
  • MongoDb
  • JavaScript